Live Nourished Mindsets


Learning to Live Nourished is about making 2 degree shifts, consistent choices in the same direction, shifting the way we have been conditioned to think about our bodies, about food, about indulgence, about self care, about life!

Start here with a quick message from our founder. Then dive into the modules that resonate most with you. Have fun, give yourself grace, watch these over and over. You’ll get something different each time.

Content from the original Playful Fitness Mindset library is included. That’s not old content, it’s first content. Watch “A Note On The Journey” before you dive into the videos below.


Self Care & Lifestyle


What is true self care? Self Care vs. Indulgence) And how can you make a 2 degree shift in your life that will lead to more joy, peace, contentedness and health? For all things self care, START HERE!!!

Why Internal Heart Work Matters—The heart work matters just as much, if not more, as the squats and the salads. This module will help you understand the value of doing internal work on self confidence and start to stir the soil of your heart to bring to the surface things that you delight in as well as things that you struggle in. Think of this module as the work you do in a garden before you even plant a single seed. Just getting things ready to grow.


Find Your Fuel

Nourish your body, mind & spirit with your food choices.


Food is more than just calories. Food is: Information | Energy | Connection | Medicine. Learning to ask yourself, “what am I nourishing?” is the key to getting free of the diet mindset, not living in restriction or lack and learning to be intentional about how you’re fueling your body.

Get informed and start to notice. This video covers why diets don’t work and is the foundational training for the concept of intuitive eating which we use heavily here at Live Nourished Coaching.


Honor Your Hunger Part 1—Your body is telling you something when you’re hungry and we need to learn to listen to that message. Diets and the diet mindset can make it hard if not impossible to listen to our hunger cues and honor our bodies. This teaching will help you start to tune in to your body, pay attention to what you need and internalize your “calorie counter” to your built in body systems.

Honor Your Hunger Part 2—If you watched part 1 and part 2 in order, you just spent a full week going back over your food tracker and noticing where you could eat more or less (by honoring your hunger), figuring out where you could eat a smaller meal more often and noticing places you could make easy swaps. This track your food again and notice what is different. Before you start your second week though, take few minutes to pause & reflect.


Gratitude, Savor & Enjoy.—You don’t have to eat a large quantity to be satisfied. In fact, if you get present with your food, you will likely be more satisfied than if you ate a large amount. The way you THINK about food determines how your body processes food! Learn how to use gratitude, savoring and enjoyment to consume the RIGHT number of calories for your body and to help your body process food well.

Food Freedom!—This module will help you determine where you are at with food, nutrition and help you figure out your next steps. You might be ready for the next Pillar or we might need to spend some more time unpacking some deeper parts of your relationship with food. At Live Nourished we believe that FOOD FREEDOM is the ultimate food goal. We will define food freedom in this module! Make sure to download the PDF for this one! Or use your journal!


Detoxing vs. Dieting And How To Never Diet AgainOur bodies need to detox so that they are safe to actually drop fat! What we put into our bodies is a HUGE component of weight loss, weight maintenance and muscle gain. What most people don’t know is that diets actually make it harder to lose weight and keep weight off than if you didn’t diet in the first place. This module gives some basic info on why diets don’t work and an option we can use together instead. There is no pressure to do a Shred, however the clients who Shred have the best and longest lasting results by far. Talk to your coach for more information.

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Move your body. Any way you want. Get sweaty. Get out of breath. Dance, run, lift things. Hold a plank. Even just 5-minutes a day can make a difference. Your body was made to move!


Move For Joy Foundations—Moving For Joy is one Live Nourished’s most foundational principles. This module will help you understand what we mean by Moving for Joy and why that language is so crucially important in a Nourished Life.

Joy Strategies—Now that you you have a good foundation of what Moving for Joy means it’s time to build strategies that make that joy replicable. In this module you will learn Live Nourished’s TOP 7 strategies to make exercise joyful every single day!


The 80-20 Rule With Movement—The goal is to move more days than you don’t move. Even 5 minutes of movement is better than zero minutes. To make moving for Joy a consistent practice in your life, we are going to talk about the 80-20 rule and how to live in FREEDOM with out shame, guilt, fear or feeling like you’ve failed if you miss a workout.

Celebrating Mini Wins—Success LOVES momentum! If you have momentum, you’re more likely to stay on track in the long term, Negative thoughts that you “should be” somewhere you aren’t yet will knick you off course. Mini wins help you develop a mental cycle of success that will help you stay on track for years to come instead of the mental cycle of failure that will derail you.


5-Minutes First Thing In The Morning—This video is s quick workout to do first thing in the morning. To have a great morning routine, wake up, drink 16 ounces of water, then do this quick workout BEFORE breakfast. to get your body moving and metabolism-revving for the day.

5-Minute Desk Break Workout—You don’t have to be in workout cloths at the gym to get your body moving. Five minutes at your desk in your cube or at home has major benefit. Get off your booty for 5 minutes and move!